Sidney Daily News from Sidney, Ohio (2024)

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The Sidnev Dall Jews Tuesday January 18 1IM Social calendar Scanner leads thief to prey fl Bataf CrandmaVBafcaT 13 PHONE 585 6671 Write National Committee for Prevention ofChild Abuse Box 2866E Chicago IL 60690 Dr Nick PoWasOD and AitocW OplometWi Ad sponsored by BANK ONE Sidney NA TWENTY TWENTY VISION CENTERS A CHAKtHtS THtATRE Look closely and you can seethe scars" RAME ORALL Great grandmothers are Edith Helni Elizabeth Anderson and Cecilia Olding all of Minster The mother is the former Jackie Meyer Postcards DearHeloise: I have a great idea for those who keep in touch with faraway friends Many of us have discovered that more economical to use postcards since the rate cheaper Well been able to take this a step further by making my own postcards! quite simple you only need light weight ty of adults incorrectly believe that a feeling of pressure in the eyes is expe rienced during the early stages of the disease Results of the survey sponsored by Send a money or time saving hint to Heloise PO Box 795000 San Antonio Texas 78279 or fax it to 512 HELOISE I answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column Sidney Plaza SR470tl 75 492 4261 Dr Wailace welcomes questions from readers Although he Is unable to reply to all of them individually he will answer as many as possible in this column Write to Dr Wallace In care of The Sidney Daily News cardboards like the kind that come in shirts or poster board that can be cut down Membership is open to any woman age 18 or older who has a Revolution ary War ancestor Wearing wedding finery Ash ley Holtvogt and Aaron Plei man take their turn walking down the aisle Sunday after noon at ort Loramle High School The youths were among many models participating in a fashion show entitled "Young The event sponsored by "There Really la A Sidney Maze 492 3600 pea 24 loan Ssaday Closoi al looa SJ LITTLE O) LeA SHOWS AT ViOO Please present coupon at Initial visit No other coupons discounts programs or actory Direct1 collection prices apply Good through January 31 1990 The Shelby Auglaize Alzheimen Support Group will meet Thursday at 2:30 pm at irst English Lutheran Church in Wapakoneta Anyone inter ested in the disorder is welcome to at tend Child Guidance League will meet Thursday at 8 pm at the home of De braVenker1348 Westwood Drive Su ft 1 hi By Heloise Cruse Dear Heloise: I have enjoyed your columns over the years and have picked up a wealth of practi cal information from them I would like to make a comment about the advice to notify your lo cal police when you are going out of town An elder ly friend of mine had her house robbed four times each time while she was out of town The last time it happened she com mented to her insurance agent that it was funny that it had never happened before she started asking the police to check her house while she was gone The agent did some investigating and discovered that the order to check the empty house at "101 Main Street went out over the police scanner daily Thus any thief with a police scanner was easily notified that this house was fair game Before asking for police checks it would be wise to find out how they no tify their officers to make the check of the property We used to notify the po lice whenever we left town but we no longer do so since they have not changed their practice of using the ra dio for such messages Jerry Very good advice sorry it had to be learned the hard way but maybe it will help someone else Heloise So now only a shattered spirit remains And the liaht of lauahter has eone out Rememberthatwordsh*tashardasafist even in frent ef my father whe was home from work sick I begged her not to spank me but she wouldn't lis ten get me wrong Tm not a physically abused child The spank ings only last a few seconds and the swats sting but do nst leave a mark not the pain but the unbelievable humiliation that bothers me I live In fear that my friends Had out that I am spanked If they found out 1 think that I would leave home I care for my parents but 1 dent love them dearly all because of their method of discipline Even though my father doesn't spank me he en courages my mother to spank me when I the house Two things sure of irst as soon as 1 can support myself after I graduate from high school mov ing out of this house Second when I have my own children spanking will not be used as a disciplinary mea sure Dubois Pa Nameless: Unwise parents who use the rod as a means of dlsclpUne often inflict as much or more psychological pain as physical pain You are a prime example Never do 1 see physical pein as an effective disciplinary measure The Trust und Big BrothersBig Sisters of Shelby County It doesnj matter what you use as long as it's about the weight of a regu lar postcard On the shiny side use stickers or if so inclined The dull side can be used like a regular postcard with the address on the right and the message on the left The post office sells plain white post cards Just be careful not to affix any stickers on the front by the ZIP code I've found this a fun and economical way to keep in touch with old friends or even as a pick me up for someone nearby Lorraine Wronski Staten Is land NY We checked with the post office and they said a postcard has to weigh 1 ounce or less to be sent postcard rate Heloise EEAIURINe Groceries toys tools hardware supplies Knickknacks Wallpaper Household goods rejection rear and constant humiliation have You don't have to lift a hand to hurt your left scan that have tragically affected her child childhood IhkatlimoulDoirttakaltoiitMyourWtL 12 and 20 Choose from I hundreds of fashion able styles starting at I only $1995 And I complete pairs of I glasses are covered by Great I Glasses I we'll repair or replace your glasses ONCE for free anytime during the first year after you purchase them! So order your pair of 2020's todayl TUESDAY EVENING The Shelby County Medical Assist ants will meet Tuesday at 7 pm in the second floor conference room of the Yager Building Dr Barbara Cummins of Wapakoneta will talk on the subject and Pleiades Chapter Order of Eastern Star will meet Tuesday at 7:30 pm at the Masonic Temple The Shelby County Genealogical So ciety will meet Tuesday at 7:30 pm at the Northtown Branch of Star Bank The program is entitled "Development of Shelby Guests are wel come The Cottage Quilters will meet Tues day at 7 pm at the home of Mary Jo Wiley 904 Parkwood St WEDNESDAY ATERNOON Anna Work Do Club will meet Wednesday at 1 pm at the home of Marie Wrigley Members should bring scissors and glue for the craft project The Young At Heart Luncheon an outreach program developed by the Dorothy Love Retirement Community will be served Wednesday at 1 1 :30 am at St Paul United Church of Christ 707 Ohio Ave The program is designed for people age 55 and over Reserva tions must be made by noon Wednes day by calling Dorothy Love Botkins Senior Citizens will meet Wednesday at 1 pm at the Botkins ire Department meeting room Shelby County Senior Citizens will gather at the YMCA Wednesday to play cards from 1 to 3 pm TODAY ents that you would gladly continue taking math but that your current teacher cannot teach it so that you can grasp the concepts Explain that If you continue taking math from this teach er you are doomed for failure Make them aware that you did fairly well in math when you had a different Instruc tor Tell them all you are asking for is to be placed In his class This is a rea sonable request Have your parents make an appoint ment with your counselor and demand that you change math teach ers Parents have a lot of clout with schools when they pursue their desires in a firm professional way Dr Wallace: like to respond to the boy from Detroit who approved of spankings for teen agers It might have made him a better person but I cant say the same for me a 17 year old girl and If I break any of my mom's silly rules I get paddled with a leather sandaL Let me give you an example Yes terday I came home from school IS minutes late because I was talking to one of my teachers about a problem in English Without listening to my excuse she turned me ever her knee and spanked me on my bare bottom Hints from Heloise Combined chapter sets meet PIQUA Thetombined Piqua Lew beloch Mrs Jack Hecker Mrs Irvin is Boyer Chapter Daughters of the Lair and Mrs David Mautz American Revolution will meet Satur day at 12:30 pm at Cafeteria The ort Pickawillany Society Chil dren of the American Revolution will present a program on the Bicentennial of the Judicial Branch Hostesses are Mrs Harold Kno ney City Schools will update the group on Happening In Our RIDAY ATERNOON Sidney Shelby County Senior Citizens will meet riday at 1 pm at the YMCA All members are encouraged to attend Sidney High Twelve Club will meet riday from noon to 1pm at the Sid ney Holiday Inn All Master Masons are welcome to attend RIDAY EVENING Parents Without Partners will hold a discussion program riday from 8 to 9:30 pm at the Greenville home of Veda Relplinger Marie Wuest will serve as moderator Before the pro gram members will meet at Lotsa Dots Restaurant in Greenville for eat out New Hope Grange will meet riday at 8 pm at The Center in Plattsville Mr and Mrs Ed Steenrod founty dep uties to the state convention will be guests at the session BECK Local relatives have received word of the birth of a son Adam Christo pher to Mr and Mrs Timothy Beck of Dayton Born Dec 18 at 10:16 am at Ketter ing Medical Center the first son weighed 7 pounds 2 ounces and measured 19 inches long He Is wel comed home by a2 year old sister Shannon Mr and Mrs LeRoy Kessen of Cold water are the maternal grandparents The paternal grandfather Is James Beck of Minster The maternal great grandmother is Alena Long of Wapakoneta Paternal great grandmothers are Anna Snapp of Minster and Mrs CD Beck of Sidney The mother is the former De bra Kessen GRIESHOP MINSTER Local relatives have received word of the birth of a son Nicholas James to Dr and Mrs Ted Grleshop of Toledo Born Dec 22 at Toledo" Hospital he weighed 8 pounds 4 ounces and mea sured 21 inches long He joins a 2 year old sister Katie at home Mr and Mrs Robert Knapke of Min ister are the maternal grandparents Paternal grandparehts are Mr and Mrs Cletus Grieshop of Yorkshire There is a paternal great grandmoth er Bernadine Grieshop of Minster The mother is the former Angela Knapke OLDING MINSTER Dr and Mrs Kurt Old ing 103 Hanover St have selected the name Kregg Edwin for their first son born Dec 22 at 5:30 am at Joint Township District Memorial Hospital in St Marys The baby weighed 6 pounds 8 ounces and measured 19 inches long He is being welcomed home by his 3 year old sister Sunni Lyn Mr and Mrs Dennis Meyer are the maternal grandparents Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Ronald address 111 Miami St Quincy HOURS Open Mon Sat 9 7 pm Sun 127 pm By Robert Wallace Dr Wallace: ftfclp! Math has always been difficult for me to understand Last year I had a I great teacher and managed to pass with a 70 This year back with the teacher I had two jfears ago and really frus trated I cannot comprehend his teaching method 1 have asked for extra help but even then the teacher cannot explain to me so that I can understand how to apply it I feel so stupidl I want to drop math but my parents say no To continue with this teacher means another failure My guidance counselor said there is nothing she can do about my problem Any suggestions? Micki Beamsvllle Ontario Micki: Most guidance counselors do noPYecommend changing teachers If they did then the school would be in a state of chaos Counselors would then spend xnost of their time changing classes for students who like their teacher or they wanted to get Into another class because their friend was in it But there are legitimate reasons to switch teachers and it appears that you are a prime candidate Instead of talk ing about dropping math tell your par 700930 Births There are no bruises And no broken bones She seems the picture of the perfect chi Id Wooden hangers 11 Dear Heloise: I have a lot of large wooden hangers and I use them quite a bit They were a little rough and would sometimes snag the clothes I want to toss them but I wasn't sure how to go about re pairing them So this is what I did: I sanded them down then covered them with some clear shellac This worked perfectly and they are smooth and never snag any clothing now Rita Minneap olis Minn SPOTLIGHTS NEWS DEALER THE WEEK QUINCY IMPORTS The Sidney Daily News has been sold by Quincy Imports since it opened in May 1987 The store Is owned by Greg Stein and managed by Cathy Wells SIDNEY CINEMAS 1 2 3 492 5893 WEDNESDAY EVENING Parents Without Partners will Ob serve Wednesday from 8 to 10 pm at the Troy Holiday Inn La Leche League of Shelby County will meet Wednesday at 7 pm at the home of Jeannie Grashom 2175 West minster Circle The discussion topicwill be Difficulties Altrusa Club of Sidney will hold a perintendent Eugene Emter of the Sid luncheon meeting Wednesday at 1 pm at Traditions restaurant Parents Without Partners will hold an amigo planning meeting Wednes day from 7 to 9 pm at the Troy home of Carrol Barnhart Sidney League will meet Wednesday at 8 pm at the home of Charlotte DeShano 657 Westover Drive THURSDAY ATERNOON The Shelby County Association for Retarded Citizens will meet Thursday at 3:30 pm at Shelby Hills School Baby sitters will be available upon re quest Dr Robert Zimmerman will talk about the Shelby County Special Edu cation Task orce THURSDAY EVENING Tough LoveKey Solutions a self help support group will meet Thurs day at 7 pm at the home of Laura Martin 431 Parkwood St This Is a non profit group and new members are al ways welcome Refreshments will be served Take home a friend today Sibneg Bails Retos 4980804 the National Society to Prevent Blind ness also showed that 54 percent of those polled wrongly believed it is pos sible to correct eye damage caused by cent Gallup survey revealed a majori glaucoma According to eye specialists the facts are that glaucoma can cause vi sion loss without warning symptoms and vision that is lost to glaucoma can not be restored Shades of 'Young Love9 the ort Loramle uture Home makers of America drew near ly 500 people Parents of the young models are Mr and Mrs John Holtvogt 10 Main St ort Loramie and Mr and Mrs Ronald Pleiman 85 Eastview Drive ort Loramie (Staff pho to by Todd Acker) lfSIlHEMHEII ROZE! Grandma bakes our donuts in our kitchen every night all night So In the morning (when our selection Is best) you get a tru ly freshly baked cholesterol free do nutnot frozen and reheated like In many grocery store bakeries Now through Saturday 1 dozen glazed donuts Sneak thief of sight NEW YORK (AP) Even though there are aBout 300000 new cases of glaucoma each year and 95 OSO peo ple lose some degree of sight a re already i low prices on every eyeglass frame In slock! TOM CRUISE HORN ON THE OURTH oiJULY a A true story 715AND1000 NEWMAH orced jfe A Esthoose SHOWS AT 9i00 ONLY Page 5A eeri seeks new teacher HMy i VWMMI 9 A IB I 11 jvx Ml (jMiifil mH Sai I rU 11 talk" is JK knh Ml i Koi KKKksBMmwmIIKK There are no bruises So now only a shattered spirit remains And no broken bones And the light of laughter has gone out Sheseemsthepictureoftheperfectchild Rememberthatwordsh*tashardasafist But ifyou look closely you can see how So watch what you say rejection rear and constant humiliation have You have to lift a hand to hurt your left scars that have tragically affected her child childhood IhkatfmoulDoirttakaltoiitMyourWtL jjs IK Write: National Committee for Prevention ofChild Abuse Box 2866E Chicago IL 60690 The Trust und Big BrothersBig Sisters of Shelby County Ad sponsored by BANK ONE Sidney NA.

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Sidney Daily News from Sidney, Ohio (2024)


Is Sidney Ohio a good place to live? ›

Moved to Sidney about a year ago. The city is very safe, clean, people are friendly and with a lot of job opportunities, fair cost of leaving and very well located. Downtown is just gorgeous with a few bars and restaurants. Also have a huge and nice park for biking, hiking and play sports .

What is Sidney Ohio famous for? ›

Sidney offers a historic downtown featuring the famous Louis Sullivan designed People's Savings and Loan building, the Monumental Building (erected as a monument to those Shelby Countians who died in the Civil War), and the Shelby County Courthouse.

What is the phone number for the Sidney Daily News? ›

The newspaper is located at 1451 N. Vandemark Rd., Sidney. The main number is 937-498-8088.

What is the richest place to live in Ohio? ›

Indian Hill

This area is full of beautiful homes, restaurants, shops, bars, and clubs in the USA. The people who love luxuries and affluence can buy homes with average prices of USD 1.41 million. USD 140 K is the per capita income, making this city the single wealthiest area in all of Ohio.

What is the poverty rate in Sidney Ohio? ›

Approximately 16.4% of individuals in Sidney are living below the poverty level as compared to approximately 11.4% in the county although its poverty rates generally mirror state and federal levels.

What is the crime rate in Sidney Ohio? ›

Sidney Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes61466
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)3.0122.97

What is the most famous person from Ohio? ›

Who is the Most Famous Person from Ohio? LeBron James and Stephen Curry are the two most famous people from Ohio, according to research done by the staff. Katie Holmes, Halle Berry and Steve Harvey round out the rest of the top 5, just ahead of Travis Kelce.

What is the most popular nickname for Ohio? ›

The Buckeye State gets its nickname from a common tree in Ohio called a buckeye. Its nuts look like a deer's eye—that is, a buck's eye.

Who owns Sidney Daily News? ›

The Sidney Daily News is an American daily newspaper published two days a week (Wednesday and Saturday) in Sidney, Ohio. It is owned by AIM Media Midwest.

How do I contact a local news reporter? ›

Contact a specific reporter using email or social media.

Alternatively, search the reporter's name on Facebook or Twitter to see if they have any social media accounts. If they do, send them a private message to tell them about your story. Reporters often maintain social media accounts to promote their stories.

What is the hotline number for CNN News? ›

Many segments airing on both CNN TV and are available for purchase. To purchase these videos, call 1-800-CNN-NEWS or 301-883-2482.

What's the nicest place to live in Ohio? ›

  • #1 Best Places to Live in Ohio. Blue Ash. ...
  • #2 Best Places to Live in Ohio. Mariemont. ...
  • #3 Best Places to Live in Ohio. Shaker Heights. ...
  • Add to List. Sponsored Magnet School. ...
  • #4 Best Places to Live in Ohio. Pepper Pike. ...
  • #5 Best Places to Live in Ohio. Oakwood. ...
  • #6 Best Places to Live in Ohio. Ottawa Hills. ...
  • #7 Best Places to Live in Ohio.

What is the safest area to live in Ohio? ›

The safest city in Ohio is Broadview Heights. This city is a suburb of Cleveland and has a population of 19,242. Broadview Heights has an extremely low crime rate of 110 per 100,000, which is 95% lower than the Ohio state average. Broadview Heights is a peaceful suburban community with a highly-rated school system.

What city is close to Sidney Ohio? ›

Piqua, OH. Troy, OH. Wapakoneta, OH.

Where does Ohio rank in best state to live? ›

Ohio ranked 36th. Some big knocks on the Buckeye state include its natural environment, where Ohio was ranked 41st, and the economy, checking in at No. 39. Ohio's best ranking was fiscal stability, where the state is listed 17th.


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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Views: 5742

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Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.